3 Truckload Logistics Tips For Cost-Effective Expediting Shipping

You have freight that needs to get from Point A to Point B.

Like, NOW.

Time is of the essence, but you want to make sure you’re in the loop. After all, you’re responsible for getting everything where it needs to be.

Of course, getting it there isn’t the whole story. You may also have to move the freight in the most cost-effective way.

All this adds up to questions about truckload logistics. That’s understandable. And knowing is half the battle.

Here are the answers you need to the most common logistics questions so that you can be confident your shipment will arrive on time.

1. What are truckload logistics?

The simplest answer is that truckload logistics deals with matching your time-sensitive freight with the right type of equipment.

The goal is to ship your materials in the quickest, safest or most economical way – or a combination of all three.

2. What are your equipment options?

The type of truck/vehicle used to ship your freight depends on what it is you’re moving. These can include:

  • Flatbed. You would need this type of truck for freight that has to be loaded from the top or the side. It’s perfect for anything large and/or bulky.
  • Small trucks. Parts that aren’t big but still need to travel fast may be transported via pick-up truck.
  • Cargo van. This vehicle is often the choice for hot-shot expedited shipping.
  • 53-foot vans. Large, sensitive freight that needs to be protected from the elements is best shipped in this vehicle.
  • Gooseneck trailers. Long, tall freight can be shipped on a gooseneck trailer that offers the ultimate flexibility for the trickiest loads.

Shipping Mistakes to Avoid

3. How much weight can be accommodated?

The specifics will depend on each individual carrier.

Generally, freight carriers are comfortable with hauling between 42,000 and 44,000 pounds.

A 53-foot van can haul 45,000 pounds.

Now that you know some of your options, let’s talk about the benefits of depending on an expedited freight forwarder to handle your most important shipments.

Pros of using expedited freight services

Why should you use a company that’s specifically there to meet your expedited shipping needs?

Check out some of the advantages.

  • You can focus on your business and your expertise. You don’t have to drain resources from other areas of your business. Let experienced freight forwarders handle that while you put your efforts into growing your organization.
  • Quicker delivery speed. When you hire an experienced freight forwarding company, you can rest assured that you’re working with people who have the expertise and know-how to get the job done. They know which type of vehicle will suit your needs best and they have more – and better – resources at their disposal.
  • Special circumstances. What seems like an impossible shipping situation to you is probably old hat for expedited freight pros. They’ve seen it all and they know how to deal with what you entrust to them. You get to hand the worry off to someone else.
  • Reduced costs. When you outsource your expedited shipping needs to freight forwarders, you’re only paying for the actual services you use. You don’t have to employ a whole team of people for a few shipments a week.

Cost-effective, time-sensitive delivery? Check!

Tensions can run high when a part breaks, production stalls and time is ticking.

Understanding truckload logistics – and the benefits of handing the details off to the pros – will help you save money and worry less.

Do you commonly have time-sensitive shipping needs that would benefit from an expedited freight forwarder’s services?

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